WolfePak ERP - Investor

WolfePak ERP for Investors

An integrated accounting platform for tracking income and expenses for your wells

If you’re an investor or mineral owner, you want ease of use and clarity from your oil & gas accounting solution and simplified joint interest billing. WolfePak lets investors with growing portfolios track income, expenses and taxes from multiple holdings and different ownership interests.

This is accounting and reporting software developed for the oil & gas industry, so it has the flexibility to manage individual owners, management companies, partnerships and institutional investors. WolfePak’s scalability means you can start with core investor control and functionality, adding other modules to manage your growth.

User-based pricing gives you the same platform that larger investors use to manage more extensive holdings and frequent acquisitions. This platform comes with proven, mature tech support and customer service — we start with your data conversion and stay with you, to help you build your business and make sure your WolfePak system and users grow along with your business. View the included modules and additional available modules.

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WolfePak lets investors track distributions across multiple holdings, with the ability to drill down for detail.

A solution customized for your business

WolfePak’s Investor package is designed to streamline your oil & gas income and expenses with customized reporting features.  The system is a full-fledged accounting solution that can handle all your accounting needs.

 Our investor solution includes:

  • General ledger with all central functions and financial reporting
  • Accounts Payable
  • Deposit Entry
  • Bank Reconciliation
  • 1099 Module
  • Check Stub Entry – this unique application streamlines entry and import of your revenue data to validate data entered
  • Check stub contains both 100% and owner’s share
  • Check input with user-designed data entry formats
  • Electronic data import of check stub detail (e.g. CDEX, csv)
  • Reports include: Missing payments, check stub variance analysis report
  • Unlimited number of division orders (DOs) allowed for a property
  • Provides information to verify 1099s sent by purchasers


WolfePak has always had excellent support. It’s comprehensive, but extremely user-friendly and easy to learn.
Paula Dunagan , Viking Resources

WolfePak scales with your growth

Your WolfePak conversion sets up post-conversion implementation and training, to ensure that your new system scales and supports your growth.


Monthly new user classes with available on-site consulting and training

User Conference

WolfePak instructors teach you how to do more with less (earn CPE credits too)

Tech Support

Your WolfePak technical support team is always available to solve problems


See how you run with WolfePak

To see how WolfePak can help your growing business run leaner and faster, call us at (325) 677-1543 or contact us.